
Ex-Bungie composer Marty O'Donnell says to 'destroy' copies of Destiny music | PC Gamer - dresslerhampon

Passe-Bungie composer Marty O'Donnell says to 'destroy' copies of Destiny music

In 2014, oldtimer Halo and Lot composer Marty O'Donnell was dismissed by Bungie and ordered to return assets relating to his work on Fate, including Medicine of the Spheres, the "musical prequel" he created with Paul the Apostle McCartney. (O'Donnell was also told to abandon his shares in Bungie, which he won back in a court case in 2015.)

Though lawfully prohibited from sharing or even performing music from Destiny and Music of the Spheres, O'Donnell uploaded musical sketches and variations to YouTube and BandCamp, including an album called Sketches for MotS. This resulted in him being found in contempt of Court sooner this year and ordered to pay Bungie almost $100,000 in legal fees.

As Eurogamer reports, he was also told to "post a substance, the phrasing of which the parties agree to, on his Twitter, YouTube, Bandcamp, and Soundcloud sites/channels stating that he did not have ratified authority to possessor provide material accompanying Music of the Spheres operating theatre Destiny and asking anyone who antecedently downloaded any such assets to edit them and desist from sharing and will destroy any copies of them".

That message has now gone live. In it, O'Donnell says, "I do not have, and have not had since at to the lowest degree April 2014, the legal self-confidence to possess or distribute non-commercially available material related to Destiny or Music of the Spheres, including material I composed or created piece on the job for Bungie. This corporate is owned by Bungie. If you posted any of these assets on a website or other publicly available program, you should remove the smug immediately. If you receive copies of these assets, you should refrain from sharing, and demolish any copies of them."

O'Donnell has blamed his firing along meddling from Destiny's initial publishing firm Activision, saying that Bungie's deal with Activision was "bad from the start".

Jody Macgregor

Jody's first computer was a Commodore 64, so he remembers having to use a code wheel to play Puddle of Radiance. A late music journalist who interviewed everyone from Giorgio Moroder to Trento Reznor, Jody also carbon monoxide-hosted Commonwealth of Australi's first radio show about videogames, Zed Games. Atomic number 2's engrossed for Tilt Paper Shotgun, The Massive Way out, GamesRadar, Zam, Glixel, and, whose cheques with the bunny logo made for fun conversations at the money box. Jody's outset article for Personal computer Gamer was published in 2015, he edited PC Gamer Indie from 2017 to 2018, and actually did play every Warhammer videogame.


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